It seems that finding Prince Charming or Cinderella is not an easy task, even on Internet dating sites. How many people feel that they have found a truly enchanted relationship? Not many, I'd posit. Most people realize that they can't have it all. And for all those who have found that blessed relationship, congratulations. Enjoy your lives happily ever after.
For the rest of you, especially those on Internet dating sites who have noticed the multitude of divorced people, good luck. That special someone you have fabricated from your want list may not actually exist. The elusive problem arises when one seeks out this mythic mate.
Do not despair because there is probably someone out there just right for you, but if you find yourself looking at post after post, picture after picture still unsatisfied, you may be fighting the odds. You may be looking for the needle in a haystack. Spending too much time without compromise may lead to a life of frustration, loneliness and disappointment.
So how can you avoid this overly fussy mistake? Would a visit to a mystic, a fortune teller or a futurist be the answer? Not likely! There are better ways to enhance your chances of finding someone special. The best way to find the proverbial needle might just be to remove some of the hay.
In most aspects of life finding anything in particular is really a numbers game. It's all about searching a vast quantity of "things." In this case dating profiles. Reviewing the profiles sent to you each day brings a group of potential dates that the Internet dating companies
pick based on your input from when you signed up. Why not go into the screening pages and get more specific as to what you want? Spell it out! The age, size , shape, color, professional accomplishment, the wealth, education, hobbies and all such attributes must be selected for your perfect mate. This screening will
help reduce the number of time wasting offerings. Why not screen for the cream of the crop? This will save you a lot of time. Instead of kissing a lot of frogs before finding prince/princess charming you'll get to look at best of show frogs.
Do keep in mind that if your screening is too selective and too fussy, nothing may come up as a match. Or more likely, your prefect mate may not think you are all that hot. Set your goals realistically and recognize that finding the "perfect" mate may involve some compromise.